



Bangladesh is undergoing rapid growth, the economy grew by 7.8% in 2017, the 4th highest rate in the world.


In the last few years several major development projects have commenced in Bangladesh

these include


  • One nuclear power plant, several coal fired power plants incl port facilities
  • Sea Port development at Pyra
  • Major highway construction projects and an initial 20 km metro rail project in Dhaka


These are all multi-billion dollars undertakings.


Apart from these, the Padma Bridge Project has been ongoing for several years, with an estimated cost of over USD 4 billion.


All the projects require imported materials in the shape of stone materials, cement clinker, limestone etc.



Our commodities


Our initial emphasis is on aggregates, coal, cement clinker, limestone and other bulk products for industrial use


With an extensive network of importers in Bangladesh we will have enquiries for many other products


Your commodities


We will be happy to represent and promote your goods and commodities in Bangladesh


Please give us a call or get incontact on:



Aggregates / Stone Products


All these large-scale infrastructure projects have created a huge demand

for aggregates, as Bangladesh has limited resources of natural stone and rock.


The demand is already for several million tons per year and will increase  year on year.


SeaConCoal has become actively involved in this business and is contracted and executing  cargoes in close co-operation with receivers.


The material is sources from Persian Gulf, South East Asia and China.


Requirements are for all type of material of natural rock e.g. granite, gabbro etc.


Typical sizing required: 10-20 mm, 10-25 mm, 50-55 mm and larger armour rocks


Your rocks


We carry on seeking additional sources and qualities of aggregates for various purposes, please let us know of your product, on:



Cement & Limestone


With the increasing level of construction activities comes the demand for cement and concrete.


Bangladesh as a large number of cement companies and cement factories.


Many of these have an import demand for cement clinker and limestone.



Your Cement & Limestone


Please let us know of your availability of cement clinker and limestone, on:





Bangladesh imports coal for various industries, cement, brick making etc.


We work with a number of importers with typical requirements are for coal of:


 GAR 4,200 - GAR 6,200 in lots of up to 45,000 mts of Indonesian or South African origin



Your coal


Please let us know of your spot coal cargoes as well as the typical coals in your portfolio, on:



Shipping & Logistics




In order to streamline this new business and to ensure timely shipments and smooth operations, SeaconCoal has now entered the chartering business to charter in vessels for their own account.


This in order to arrange the transportation aggregates and other cargoes from various countries to Bangladesh ports.


For us, it was a logical next step as the directors of the company are all shipping professionals and master mariners.


We  have also appointed a company in the UK to assist in chartering in tonnage

for our requirements.


Our UK agent has over 30 years experience in the London shipbroking market.


In addition we will work with Ship Brokers in the relevant regions.


3rd party chartering


In addition to chartering for own cargoes, SeaConCoal will enter the market on behalf of business partners in order to procure vessels for their needs.


Ship agents & Logistics in Bangladesh


Thru the affiliated companies in Bangladesh we can offer:


  • Ships agency in all Bangladesh ports e.g. Chittagong, Mongla & Pyra
  • Arrange stevedoring and lightering
  • Arrange delivery of goods from Port-to-Customer


Your positions & reports


Please propose your open tonnage in the Far East, Middle East & Persian Gulf to us on:



To receive our cargo requirements, please sign up on:



We will be very pleased to receive your market report too on the above address.